“As I was ironing my customer’s clothes, I looked at my wife where she was sleeping on the bed and anger surged inside of  me. I then heard a voice instructing me to go and ask her why she was sleeping with my father. By then, the iron was very hot and I thought I could use that to scare her.”
I woke her up and asked her to tell me the truth on  how many times she had slept with my father. But she refused to talk. Then the voice came to me again to place the hot iron on her and I did. As I was placing it, she told me she had slept with my father three times.
Immediately she mentioned it, I lost my cool and placed it harder on her out of anger.   At that point, the child cried, wanting to suck breast. I  looked at him wondering  if I was actually his father. I thought to myself that it could be possible  my father  was responsible for the pregnancy that resulted in his birth.

How I killed my son
At this point the suspect kept quiet, bowed his head, shaking it  intermittently in self pity.   And when he raised his head, his eyes were filled with tears.  Thereafter, he rested his chin on his palm and looked at the sky, muttering. After a long pause, this reporter asked him if he actually killed his son.

In reply, he said, “ that is the worst thing I have ever done in my entire life. When Ebuka woke up from sleep that night, crying for breast milk as he always did, I looked at him in anger and the voice came again saying , ‘kill him, he is not your son!’. In obedience to the voice, I  hit him hard in the neck several times.”
Asked to described exactly  how he did it, he raised his right hand like a boxer, hitting it severally on his left arm, causing this reporter to move backward,  for fear of the unknown.
Continuing, he said,  “You know he is a baby and very fragile.  When my fist landed on him the first time,  he screamed. At that point, the mother lifted her hand to prevent my next  fist from landing on the boy , but I planted the  hot iron on her hand”. Henry, reportedly landed another fist on the little helpless creature . At the third hit, Ebuka, as gathered, could no longer cry. He was still .
When Henry was asked why he was always beating his wife as claimed by neighbours, he  admitted that they have had series of quarrel,  most of which was caused by his wife’s alleged clandestine relationship with his father. He posited however that  “there is no way a man and a woman would live under same roof  without quarreling. It is impossible. Yes, we quarreled and settled” .
Asked if he had any regrets for his action, he replied,  “sure , I do, mainly because of the death of my son. Why should a child be killed over an offense he knew nothing about? His death will continue to haunt me all the days of my life. I may not live to even atone for this sin  but if by sheer providence I do, I will never forgive myself for taking the life of my innocent boy.
All this is the handiwork of the devil. If I had known, I would have not touched my son that night. I know I am going to die because I have killed my son. If it had been my wife, I would not have bothered much . But my son, ah! I have done the unimaginable” he stated in an emotion- laden tone.
When contacted for his reaction to his son’s claim, 65-year- old Theodore Nnadi described the allegation as baseless and unimaginable, wondering how a father could stoop so low as to sleep with his daughter in-law. The light skinned man swore with both visible and invisible substances, denying ever having any feeling of such towards a woman  he considered as a daughter.   The father of eight who said his name had been dragged in the mud following the allegation and wondered how on earth a son could mete such injustice on his father.
Recalling with pains how he tried all he could to give his son, Henry, a good future, Pa Nnadi revealed that signs of his present predicament reared its ugly head after Henry’s secondary school.
Hear him, “ After his secondary school , he began to move with irresponsible people and street urchins . In order to keep him busy, I took him to a school of engineering where he specialized in factory generator repairs.  But before I knew it, that  turned out to be my greatest undoing as he went into snatching of motorcycles from riders.
“He would mount a motorcycle, give the rider his destination. But midway, he would pour pepper into the rider’s eyes, causing him to loose balance and in the process make away with the motorbike and sell same at give -away price. He was  arrested in one of the occasions and was imprisoned for  eight years.
After he finished serving his jail term, I took him to a church where deliverance was carried out on him. Before everybody in  the church, he promised never to go back to his past again. After that, he started the dry cleaning job.”


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